
For complete ordering details please see our print and online catalogs.


FOB: Gilroy, CA

Shipping Method: FedEx, GLS, Customer Pick-Up

Packing/Handling: Order minimum is one box. Variety order minimum for 100 count trays is 1 tray. Variety order minimum for 128/195/385 count trays is 2 trays per variety. Orders booked from immediate availability can be ordered in multiples of 1 tray for all trays sizes at no additional charge. Orders under $300 are welcome, please note they will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee.
102 tray (sold as 100) - 5 trays per box
128 tray (sold as 128) - 4 trays per box
200 tray (sold as 195) - 4 trays per box dependent on height of plants.
392 tray (sold as 385) - 5 trays per box

Available Discounts: Volume discounts are available starting at 10,000 plugs of perennials, annuals, cut flower plugs, herbs and veggies. Certain items do not qualify for Volume discounts, please call for further information.
