
For complete ordering details please see our print and online catalogs.


FOB: Denmark, WI
*This vendor is unable to ship to Idaho.

Shipping Method: UPS, FedEx, Speedee Delivery, Customer Pick-up

Packing/Handling: Minimum order is 2 boxes for 288 Tray, and 512 Trays (4 trays per box)
Minimum order is 3 boxes for 40 Tray, 72 Tray, and 144 Trays. (3 trays per box)
Tray sizes with like multiples can be combined to achieve the minimum of 8 trays per order.
All tray sizes can be combined to achieve the minimum for cart delivery at 168 trays.
Orders under $300 are welcome, please note they will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee.

Available Discounts: Volume pricing, which begins at 10,001 plugs, is based on volume accumulated from last year across all Natural Beauty orders.
