
For complete ordering details please see our print and online catalogs.


FOB: Fairbault, MN

Shipping Method: UPS, FedEx, Air Freight, Speedee, Grower Truck, Customer Pick-up

Packing/Handling: Minimum order for 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch plants is 1 box. Vendor ships full boxes/carts/pallets only and will fill order if not complete to counts indicated. Orders under $300 are welcome, please note they will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee.

Minimum order for #1 Gallon Finished is as follows:
- 50 plants for customer pickup
- 100 plants (cart) for orders within 75 miles of Faribault, MN
- 175 plants (pallet) for orders more than 75 miles from Faribault, MN

2.5-inch / 1-year plants (sold as 5 per variety) : 50 per box
3.5-inch / 2-year plants (sold as 4 per variety) : 32 per box
1 Gallon Finished (sold as 5 per variety) : Please refer to vendor minimum section above.

Available Discounts: Volume discounts start at 25 pots/variety for 1-year pots, 16/variety for 2-year pots, and 100 pots for finished gallons. Please call for more information.
